Saturday, October 16, 2021

Class 6 Science-Workbook Chapter 8 Body Movements

 Chapter 8

Body Movements


I. Answer the following questions in brief:

Q. 1. What is the use of joints in our body?

Ans - A joints are the part of the body where two or more bones meet to allow movement.

Q.2. Are all joints movable? If not, given an example?

Ans - No some joints are not movable. Example - The Fixed joint of our skull,

Q. 3. Which bones do the ribs join?

Ans - The ribs join with the backbone.

Q.4. What is the use of our backbone having a large number of bones joined together instead of being a single bone?

Ans - A large number of bones in our backbone help us to bend our body.

Q.5. Name the joint present in our (i) neck (ii) knee

Ans  (i) Neck: Pivot Joint  (ii) Knee: Hinge Joint

Q.6. Name any two organs which the rib cage protects.

Ans (a) Heart   (b) Lungs

Q.7. What are the upper parts of human ears made up of ? Where else is this substance found in our body?

Ans - The upper parts of human ears are made up of cartilage. It is also found in the joints of the body.

Q.8. What changes occur in a muscle when it contracts?

Ans - Muscular contractions are the mechanism that allows an individual, animal, or human to move its body, move the food in its digestive. The contraction shortens the muscle which moves the rigid structures, bones, to which they are attached.

Q.9. What kind of a skeleton does a snail have? Is it made of bones?

Ans -  The shell on the back of snails is called the exoskeleton or external skeleton. No, it is not made of bones.

Q.10 Why does an earthworm secrete a slimy substance?

Ans - An earthworm secrete a slimy substance because it helps them to move more easily through the soil.

Q.11. What are the wings of the birds made of?

Ans - Wings of birds are made up of feathers and hollow bones which help them to fly.

Q.12. How are joints important for our body?

Ans - Joints bind the skeleton together, to give structure and allow muscles to move bones to perform certain tasks such as running, reaching and holding.

Q.13. A muscle can only pull. How, then does it help in movement?

Ans - A single muscle can only pull, it cannot push. Thus, muscles work in pairs to move the bone. When one muscle contracts, it pulls the movable bone. When another muscle of the pair pulls, it brings the bone back to its original position.

Q.14. Why does a snake not move in a straight line?

Ans - Snakes move in S-shaped loops and in a zigzag manner. Each loop of the snake gives it a forward push by pressing against the ground.

Q.15. How does an earthworm make a grip on the ground?

Ans -  An earthworm has a large number of tiny bristles on the underside of its body that help it to grip the ground.

II. Give one term for each of the following:

(a) Structure formed by joining of chest bones with backbone. ribcage

(b) Shape of the fish which helps it to swim in water Streamlined body

(c) The framework of bones in our body Skeletal system

(d) The Manner of movement of an organism Gait

(e) Structure softer than the bone of which upper part of our ears is made. Cartilage

(f) Type of joint connection our neck to the head. Pivot joint

III. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The structure below the stomach which helps us to sit is pelvic bones.

(b) The joint between the upper jaw and the rest of the head is an example of fixed joint.

(c) Our muscles work in pairs.

(d) The bony part of the forelimbs of birds are modified as wings.

(e) Our forearm has two bones.

(f) A muscle can only pull, it cannot push.

IV. State whether True or False:

(a) A cockroach has four wings for flying. (True)

(b) Snails slither on the ground very slowly. (True)

(c) The body of an earthworm has the same structure as the body of a snake. (False)

(d) Fins help a fish to keep balance and direction while swimming. (True) 

(e) The shell of a snail is made of bones. (False)

(f) Our backbone is made of a single flexible bone. (False)

V. Match the following:

(a)  Upper part of ear -  (ii) Cartilage

(b) Forelimbs - (i) Wings

(c) Neck - (vi) Pivotal joint

(d) Shoulder - (iii) Ball and socket joint

(e) Upper jaw - (iv) Fixed joint

(f) Elbow - (v) Hinge joint

VI. Select the correct alternative:

(i) How many muscles are needed to move a bone?

Ans - (b) 2

(ii) A snail walks with the help of 

Ans - (c) Muscles

(iii) Which of the following have a backbone

Ans - (b) Snake

(iv) Which of these help(s) the fish to move?

Ans - (d) All of these

(v) The following figures show the models of some joints found in out body. Identify them.

Ans - (d) Ball and socket, hinge, pivotal

Friday, October 1, 2021

Class 6 Science-Workbook Chapter 7 Getting to know Plants

 Class VI

Chapter 7

Getting to know Plants

I. Answer the following questions in brief:

Q.1. What is petiole? Do all leaves have petioles?

Ans. The part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole. No all leaves do not have petioles. In some plants, leaves are attached directly to the plant stem.

Q.2. Where will you locate midrib in a leaf?

Ans. A midrib is commonly find at the back part of a leaf.

Q.3. If a plant has leaves with parallel venation what kind of roots will it have?

Ans. A plant has leaves with parallel venation will have fibrous roots.

Q.4. Name two climbers and two creepers.

Ans - Climbers : (a) Money Plant, (b) Green Peas

Creepers : (a) Pumpkin  (b) Water-Melon

Q.5. Which part of the plant helps it to stand upright?

Ans -The stem is the part of plant helps it to stand upright.

Q.6. What are lateral roots?

Ans -The smaller roots that grow on the main tap root are called lateral roots.

Q.7. Name the lowermost part of the pistil.

Ans - Ovary is the lowermost part of the pistil.

Q.8. Why are stems called 'two-way streets'?

Ans - Stems are called 'two-way streets' because water and minerals are transferred from the stem to the leaves in upward direction for photosynthesis at the same time food is transferred to other parts of the plant in downward direction.

Q.9. A potato has starch. Does it prepare starch itself? If not, where does this starch come from?

Ans - Potatoes do not make starch on their own. Starch is produced by the leaves and transported to the potatoes.

(H.w.) Q.10. Draw a diagram showing the inner structure of an ovary. Draw both longitudinal and transverse sections.

Ans -

II. Give one term for each of the following:

(a) The innermost part of flower  - Pistil

(b) Venation shown by leaves of plants heaving tap roots. Reticulate Venation

(c) Network of lines of a leaf. Veins

(d) Unwanted plants that grow themselves in a field. Weeds

(e) Plants that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground. -  Creepers

(f) Process of preparation of food by plants in the presence of sunlight.  Photosynthesis 

III. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Roots anchor the plant to soil.

(b) Plants having fibrous roots have Parallel venation in them.

(c) Climbers take support of neighboring structures to stand upright.

(d) The topmost part of a stamen is called Anther.

(e) Stems transport water and minerals from roots to leaves though narrow tube(xylem) inside them.

(f) Water comes out of leaves in the form of vapour during the process of transpiration.

IV. State whether True or False

(a) Roots hold the plant upright. False

(b) Every flower has both stamens and pistil. False

(c) Number of petals in a flower is generally much more than the number of sepals. True

(d) All leaves have petioles in them. False

(e) Leaves make food which gets stored in potatoes in potato plants. True

(f) Carrot and radish that we eat are roots. True

(H.w.) V. Match the following:


VI. Select the correct alternative:

(i) Lateral roots are branches of

Ans (a) Tap roots

(ii) Which of the following parts of a plant in called a 'two-way street"?

Ans (d) Stem

(iii) Carrot, radish, turnip and tapioca are examples of 

Ans (b) Roots

(iv) Which of these is creeper?

Ans (b) Pumpkin

(v) Anther is a part of 

Ans (a) Stamen

(vi) Look at the Figures given below and state which of the following statements is true.

Ans (b) Leaves of plant in fig (a) have reticulate venation while those in fig (b) have parallel venation.

(H.w.) VII. Complete the following word puzzle with the help of the clues given below:

Class III Science 1. Food and Feeding Habits of Animals

Chapter 1 Food and Feeding Habits of Animals F. Answer these questions.  Que 1.  All animals depend on plants for their food. How? Ans - Al...