Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Chapter 5 Introduction to Excel 2013 (Class 6)

Chapter 5
Introduction to Excel 2013

A. Tick the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. Excel is an spreadsheet application.
2. Collection of intersecting rows and columns is called a cell.
3. By default numbers are right aligned.
4. Name box is used to locate a specific cell on the worksheet.
5. Cell address helps to refer each cell in the worksheet.

B. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

1. Three types of data that can be entered in excel worksheet are text, number and formula.
2. The cell having a bold boundary is called active cell.
3. Name box displays the cell address of the active cell.
4. Cell address is column Letter followed by row number.
5. Sheet tab displays the name of worksheets

C. Write T for true or F for false.

1. Excel is used to create text document. FALSE
2. Two types data can be entered in an Excel workbook. FALSE
3. The active cell is bordered with a dark outline. TRUE
4. There are 16,384 rows and 1,048,576 columns in a worksheet. FALSE
5. Data entered, appears in formula bar as well as in the active cell. TRUE
6. Keyboard shortcut to select entire worksheet is Ctrl + A. TRUE

D. Answer in short.

1. What is Excel?
Ans –
Excel 2013 is one of the most popular spreadsheet application.

2. What do you mean by cell address? Give suitable example.
Ans –
Each cell on the worksheet has a unique address that helps to refer it in the worksheet. For example, A10 is cell address where A is the column name and 10 is the row name.

3. What are the three type of data that can be entered in Excel?
Ans –
Three types of data that can be entered in an Excel worksheet are: Text, Number and Formula.  

E. Answer in detail. 

1. Differentiate between Workbook and Worksheet.
Ans –
An Excel document is called a workbook which is the basic Excel file. It is a collection of multiple worksheets (spreadsheet). A worksheet is a spreadsheet made up of columns and rows.

2. Explain briefly about any three components of Excel.
Ans –
Rows: Rows are represented horizontally from top to bottom in the worksheet. Rows are labelled as 1, 2, 3 and so on. There are 1,048,576 rows in a worksheet.
    Columns: Columns are represented vertically from left to right. There are total 16,384 columns in a worksheet. Columns are labelled as letters A, B, C and so on up to XFD. Name Box: It displays the cell address of the active cell.

3. How do you select range of cells?
Ans -
Range of cells can be selected:
    Using mouse: To select a range of cells using mouse, point your mouse pointer to the first cell of the range and drag the left mouse button until all the required cells are selected.
    Using keyboard: To select a range of cells using keyboard, press the Shift key and move to the lower last cell of the range using Arrow keys.

4. Write steps to rename a worksheet.
Ans -
To rename a worksheet:
    Step 1: Double-click the sheet name in the Sheet tab.
    Step 2: Enter new name and press Enter key.


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