Let’s Learn Flash
A. Tick the correct answer and fill in the blank.
1. The Stage of the Flash workspace is used to create scenes of a movie.
2. Layers are like the transparent sheets stacked one over the other containing different image.
3. Timeline consists of two components-frames and layers.
4. The number of sides in the polygon can be from 3 to 32.
5. The flash document is saved with an extension .fla.
B. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
1. Flash animations can be used for creating games.
2. Pencil tool is used to draw freehand shapes on Flash stage.
3. There are five modes of Eraser tool.
4. Ink bottle tool is used to change the outline color, style and thickness of existing shape.
5. Paint bucket tool used to fill an object with color.
C. Match the following.
D. Answer in short.
Que 1 Name any two drawing tools used to create basic geometrical shapes.
Ans - Polystar Tool and Rectangle Tool are used to create basic geometrical shapes.
Que 2 Define frame and layers?
Ans – Frames: Frames are small slices of time that are combined and played back in a sequence to create animation.
Layer: Layers are like the transparent sheets stacked one over the other each containing different images. Each layer contains its own timeline with endless frames.
Que 3 What are animations?
Ans – Animations are the special visual effects to add the illusion of motion in the still object.
E. Answer in detail.
Que 1 What is the use of Timeline in Flash CS6?
Ans – The Timeline is used to set the sequencing and timings of various objects and other elements of a Flash movie.
Que 2 What is the use of Line and Pencil tool?
Ans – Line tool – It is used to draw lines on the stage.
Pencil tool – It is used to draw freehand lines.
Que 3 How do you add text in Flash document?
Ans - To add text in Flash document:–
Step 1: Click on Text tool.
Step 2: Change the Font, Font Size, Text Color from the Properties panel.
Step 3: Click on the stage and type your text.
Que 4 How can you change the color of the Flash document?
Ans - To change the color of the Flash document-
Step 1: Click on Modify from the menu bar and choose Document option. The Document Settings dialog box will open.
Step 2: Set Background color, Stage size (width x height), etc.
Step 3: Click on OK button.
Que 5 Explain the following modes of eraser:
a. Eraser Normal b. Erase Fills c. Erase Lines
Ans – a. Erase Normal: This mode erases all the objects on the stage on which you drag the eraser.
b. Erase Fills: This mode erases only fills with lines remaining unaffected.
c. Erase Lines: This mode erases only lines but the fills remain unaffected.
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