Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Class 8 Computer Chapter 2 Moving Ahead with HTML


Class VIII

 Chapter 2

Moving Ahead with HTML


A. Tick (ü) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. <B> tag displays text in bold.

2. ALIGN is not an attribute of FONT tag.

3.   /    symbol is used to indicate an end tag.

4. SIZE  attribute of <HR> is used to change thickness of line.

5.<H1>  is the largest heading element.


B. Write T for true or F for false.

1. HTML documents can be saved with .html or .htm extension only. True

2. <HR> is an example of non-empty tag. False

3. Attributes are always placed in the closing tag. False

4. BGCOLOR is an attribute of <FONT> tag. False

5. <LR> tag is used to add a line break in the web page. False


C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

1. HTML is used to create Webpages.

2. attributes provides extra information to the browser about how to apply the tag.

3. Information enclosed in the TITLE tag is displayed in the title bar of the browser window.

4. BACKGROUND attribute of the BODY tag is used to set a picture in the background of web page.

5. <Hn> tag can display headings upto    6   levels.   


D. Answer in short.

Que 1.Which tag is used to change default font of the web page?

Ans -<FONT>tag is used to change default font of the web page.

Que 2. Which tag is used to make a text italics?

Ans -<I> tag is used to make a text italics.

Que 3.What should be the first tag in any HTML document?

Ans -<HTML>tag.


Que 4.What are the different types of Headings supported by HTML document?

Ans -To describe different levels of headings in the web page, <Hn> tag is used, where n is a number ranging from 1 to 6.

<H1> is the largest heading tag while <H6> is the smallest heading.

E. Answer in detail.


Que 1.Explain the use of BODY tag with its attributes.

Ans -<BODY>: This tag contains all the contents of the documents such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.

              It has following attributes:


BACKGROUND: Used to set a background image.

BGCOLOR: Used to set background color.

TEXT: Used to specify the text color.



<BODY BGCOLOR=”blue” TEXT=”red”> …..</BODY>

<BODY BACKGROUND=”image_name” TEXT=”red”> …..</BODY>


Que 2.How can you change the font type, size and color of the text in HTML?

Ans -To change the font type use FACE attribute–

Format:<FONT FACE = “font name”>

Example:<FONT FACE = “Arial”>


To change the font size use SIZE attribute–

Format:<FONT SIZE = “value”>

Example:<FONT SIZE = “7”>


To change the font color use COLOR attribute–

Format:<FONT COLOR = “color name”>

Example:<FONT COLOR = “red”>

Que 3 What is the use of <MARQUEE> tag?

Ans –MARQUEE tag is used to add scrolling text on the web page. The DIRECTION attribute is used to choose the direction of scroll( up, down, left or right).

 Format: <MARQUEE DIRECTION = “position”> text….</MARQUEE>

               Where position = up, down, left, right.


<MARQUEE> Welcome to our school</MARQUEE>






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