Monday, January 10, 2022

Chapter 6 More About Flash (Class 7)

More About Flash

A. Tick the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. Tweened animation defines the content of the first frame and last frame.
2. In Frame by frame animation, we need to make changes in every frame.
3. Frame controls the period of time of the movie.
4. Symbols are the reusable elements stored in Flash library.
5. Frame by Frame animation is used for creating complex.

B. Write True or False. 

1. Symbols can be inserted only once in a Flash document. False
2. Layers and frames are the part of Properties panel. False
3. Only one instance symbol can be used in Flash document. False
4. Layers once added cannot be removed from the Flash document. False
5. The blank keyframe indicates the current status of movie. False

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. An instance is an copy of a symbol.
2. Animation means a series of images one after another.
3. Shape tweening animation does not work on symbols.
4. Layers are likes sheets of transparent papers arranged in a stack.
5. We create instance of the symbol by selecting it from library  palette and dragging it on the stage.

D. Answer in short.

Que 1 What is a keyframe?
Ans -
A keyframe is a frame in which we define a change in an object such as, change in its properties, resizing or rotating it, adding or deleting an object.

Que 2 Which tool is used to rotate an object?
Ans – 
Free Transform tool is used to rotate an object.

Que 3 Name the two types of animations.
Ans –
There are two types of animations in Flash:
•    Tweened animation
•    Frame by Frame animation.

Que 4 How do you play the movie?
Ans –
  We can play the movie by pressing Ctrl and Enter keys or select Control menu Test Movie Test.

E. Answer in detail.

Que 1 Write the difference between Shape Tween and Motion Tween.
Ans –
In Motion Tween, the object travels from one point to another and involves no changes of shapes. In Shapes Tween, the object changes its shape over the period of time.

Que 2 What is the use of frame by frame animation? How is it done?
Ans –
Frame by frame animation means change of object in each frame, so as to produce an animation sequence. Every frame is a keyframe in frame by frame animation. This type of animation is best suited for complex animations. 

To create an animation of a cartoon using Frame by frame animation–
Step 1: Draw a cartoon.
Step 2: Select frame 2.
Step 3: Insert a keyframe at frame 2.
Step 4: Now, make changes as you like, such as add text, change position of hand, etc.
Step 5: Repeat Step 2 and 3.
Step 6: Test movie by pressing Ctrl and Enter keys.

Que 3 Explain Timeline Panel of Flash.
Ans -
Timeline Panel is the area that shows all the elements of animation over time. It is an important component of Flash required to design an animated movie. Timeline is made up of Frames and Layers.

Que 4 Write steps to insert a layer.
Ans -
To insert a new layer–
Method 1: Click on New Layer icon from Timeline panel. 

Method 2: Click on Insert menu Timeline Layer.

Que 5  Write steps to convert an object into a symbol.
Ans – 
To create a symbol–
Step 1: Select the object.
Step 2: Select Modify menu → Convert to Symbol option. The Convert to Symbol dialog box appears.
Step 3: Type the name and choose the Type –Movie clip, Button or Graphic.
Step 4: Click on OK button. The symbol is added to the library and the objected on the stage becomes an instance of the symbol.

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