Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Chapter 8 More About Scratch (Class 5)


Chapter 8
More About Scratch

E. Answer these questions.

1. What is Scratch?
Ans -
Scratch is a graphical programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT.

2. Define the following: 

(a) Sprite: 

Ans - Each object in Scratch which is programmed to animate is called a sprite. The Scratch cat is the default sprite in Scratch. We can change or add a new sprite.

(b) Backdrop:

Ans - Backdrop is the background of the stage in Scratch. Using backdrop, you can change the visual look of the stage area.

3. What is the use of Sprite Info pane?    
Ans -
The Sprite Info pane, located below the Stage, displays detailed information about the sprites in a project. It display the thumbnails of all the sprites in the project.

4. What is the use of Events blocks?
Ans -
Events blocks are used to control the events



Think and Tell  (page no. 105)

Describe the function of each block in short.

1. Ans - When the flag is clicked, the code runs

2. Ans - Controls direction in which a sprite can rotate in

3. Ans - On pressing specified key from the list, the code runs

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