Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Class 8 "Chapter 3 - More About HTML"


Chapter 3

More About HTML

A. Tick (ü) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. Bulleted list is an Unordered list.

2. The cells in a table are created using <TD> tag.

3. HREF is not an attribute of <IMG> tag.


B. Match the following.


C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

1. An ordered list is also known as  numbered  list.

2. Cell values in a table are aligned left by default.

3.  Hyperlinks are the links in the web page which when clicked, open another web page.

4. <A>tag with  HREF  attributes allows to link the web pages.

5. The <TABLE> tag uses _<TR>_ tag for creating table rows.

D. Answer in short.

 Que 1. Which tag is used to mark the individual list items?

Ans - <LI> tag.

 Que 2. Which tag can be used for creating table column headings?

Ans - <TH> tag.

 Que 3. What are the two types of lists that can be created in HTML document?

Ans - The two types of list that can be created in HTML document are ordered and unordered list.


Que 4. Name various image formats that are used in HTML.

Ans -  The most common image file formats are JPG, TIF, PNG, and GIF.



E. Answer in detail.

Que 1. What is use of TYPE attribute in <OL> and <UL> tag.

Ans -   TYPE attribute of the <OL> tag is used to change the numbering format of the list. We can use uppercase/ lowercase letters or roman numerals as needed.

            Format: <OL TYPE = “Numbering Code”>

                  where Numbering code could be A,a,I,i,1


          By default, an unordered list items are marked with <UL> tag uses a small black circle to represent each list item. To change the bullet style, we can use TYPE attribute in the <UL> tag.

            Format: <UL TYPE = “Shape”>

            where Shape could be circle , disc or square.


Que 2. Write the HTML code to insert images in a HTML document.

Ans - Format: <IMG SRC = “image file with complete path”>.

          Here, path refers to the location of the file.


Que 3. What is the difference between <TD> and <TH> tags?

Ans -   <TD> Tag :

            The <TD> tag is used to represent each cell entry of the table. TD refers to table data





            <TH> Tag :

            The tag < TH > is used to indicate the table heading, which is given, as an informative detail about the table being designed. TH refers to table heading.






1 comment:

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